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Rekrutacja do Szkoły Doktorskiej na rok akademicki 2024/2025

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The purpose of the recruitment procedure is to select the best candidates for training at the Doctoral School. The proceeding is of a competitive nature and consists of three stages: in the first, the substantive value of the research project is assessed; in the second, an interview takes place; in the third, the candidate’s predisposition towards doctoral research is assessed through an analysis of scientific and organizational activity.

The recruitment procedure for the Doctoral School is divided into the following stages:

  1. candidates’ submission of documents required in the recruitment procedure,
  2. verification of the documents submitted by candidates,
  3. qualification proceedings,
  4. enroling in the list of doctoral students or issuance of an administrative decision to refuse admission to the Doctoral School.

Recruitment proceedings for a given discipline are conducted by recruitment committees appointed by the Director of the Doctoral School. 

The recruitment proceeds in three stages:

  1. In the first stage, the admissions committee appoints two reviewers to evaluate the research project submitted by the candidate, except in the discipline of fine arts and conservation of works of art, in which the research project is independently evaluated by the selection committee. The maximum number of points in the first stage is 15. Admission to the second and third stages requires a minimum of 8 points from the first stage.
  2. In the second stage, the selection committee evaluates the interview process. The maximum number of points possible to earn in the second stage is 20. Failure to participate in the interview is equivalent to resignation from the recruitment process.
  3. In the third stage, the recruitment committee awards points for scientific activity, in particular: publications, work in scientific circles, participation in scientific conferences with a paper, poster, domestic and foreign internships, awards and prizes, and in the case of art - individual and collective exhibitions, public presentations of artistic achievements, participation in grants. The maximum number of points to be earned from this stage is 7.

The Recruitment Committee determines the number of points to be awarded to a candidate for each element of the recruitment. Points are awarded in accordance with the detailed criteria and requirements of the discipline. The Recruitment Committee draws up a ranking list of candidates. The total number of points determines the order of the candidates.

The minimum total number of points earned in the recruitment procedure required for admission to the Doctoral School is 22.

Candidates who received at least minimum number of points and occupy the highest place on the ranking list are admitted to the Doctoral School within the specified limit of places in a given discipline.

The decision on refusal of admission to the Doctoral School is made by the Director of the Doctoral School, under the authority of the Rector.

Entry to the Doctoral School is conditional on the submission of the originals of all required documents no later than at the time of entry.

Training program

The education lasts for 4 years and includes the implementation of an educational program and an individual research plan under the guidance of a supervisor.


A doctoral student receives a scholarship of PLN 3466.90 gross for the first two years of study (before the mid-term evaluation) and PLN 5340.90 gross for the next two years after the mid-term evaluation. Allowance for persons with disabilities: PLN 800.31. Mandatory insurance premiums are paid on the amount of the scholarship, and the scholarship itself is reduced by them (by about 11%).

IRK registration instructions


Recruitment schedule

  • July 1 – August 30: online registration
  • 31 August-13 September: part I of recruitment (evaluation of the research project)
  • 16 September: announcement of results of part I, notification of dates of interviews
  • 18-20 September: part II of recruitment (the committee appoints the candidate one of the given days for the interview)
  • 23 September: part III of recruitment (evaluation of scientific activity)
  • 24 September: announcement of results of the recruitment process
  • 26-27 September: entry to the Doctoral School
  • 25 September- 9 October: applications for reconsideration
  • 10 October: supplementary entries


Enrolment limits for the 2024/25 academic year

Lp. Dyscyplina Limit
1. Philosophy 3
2 History 3
3 Linguistics 3
4 Literary Studies 3
5 Art Studies 3
6 Mathematics 3
7 Biological Sciences 3
8 Physical Sciences 3
9 Earth and Related Environmental Science 3
10 Economics and Finance 3
11 Social and Economic Geography and Spatial Management 3
12 Security Sciences 3
13 Communication and Media Studies 3
14 Political Science and Public Administration 3
15 Law 3
16 Sociology 3
17 Pedagogy 3
18 Psychology 3
19 Fine Arts and Art Conservation 3
  Total 57




Registration phases


No. Offer Phase 1
1 Discipline: Arts Studies from: 01.07.2024 00:00
to: 30.08.2024 23:59
2 Discipline: Biological Sciences from: 01.07.2024 00:00
to: 30.08.2024 23:59
3 Discipline: Communication and Media Studies from: 01.07.2024 00:00
to: 30.08.2024 23:59
4 Discipline: Earth and Related Environmental Science from: 01.07.2024 00:00
to: 30.08.2024 23:59
5 Discipline: Economics and Finances from: 01.07.2024 00:00
to: 30.08.2024 23:59
6 Discipline: Education (Pedagogy from: 01.07.2024 00:00
to: 30.08.2024 23:59
7 Discipline: Fine Arts and Art Conservation from: 01.07.2024 00:00
to: 30.08.2024 23:59
8 Discipline: History from: 01.07.2024 00:00
to: 30.08.2024 23:59
9 Discipline: Linguistic from: 01.07.2024 00:00
to: 30.08.2024 23:59
10 Discipline: Litarary Studies from: 01.07.2024 00:00
to: 30.08.2024 23:59
11 Discipline: Mathematics from: 01.07.2024 00:00
to: 30.08.2024 23:59
12 Discipline: Philosophy from: 01.07.2024 00:00
to: 30.08.2024 23:59
13 Discipline: Physical Sciences from: 01.07.2024 00:00
to: 30.08.2024 23:59
14 Discipline: Political Science and Public Administration from: 01.07.2024 00:00
to: 30.08.2024 23:59
15 Discipline: Security Studies from: 01.07.2024 00:00
to: 30.08.2024 23:59
16 Discipline: Social and Economic Geography and Spatial Management from: 01.07.2024 00:00
to: 30.08.2024 23:59
17 Dyscyplina - Nauki Prawne from: 01.07.2024 00:00
to: 30.08.2024 23:59
18 Dyscyplina - Nauki Socjologiczne from: 01.07.2024 00:00
to: 30.08.2024 23:59
19 Dyscyplina - Psychologia from: 01.07.2024 00:00
to: 30.08.2024 23:59
Pages: 1
page length
Page length: 10, 25, 50, 100, 200